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Группа: Гости

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Добавлено (04.05.2013, 03:38)
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Добавлено (04.05.2013, 08:01)
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Добавлено (04.05.2013, 10:18)
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Добавлено (04.05.2013, 18:48)
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Damn, the Emperor's soul is attacked. Big black dog pain cried.

Deserve it, who told you so greedy! Fan Ye is not sympathize with it, the last time it is to grab the stone disk cut out fruit convulsions, and today they guilty of doing it.

This is not what treasures? Painted fly suspicion, did not dare to touch the wooden whip around to watch, but no abnormalities were found.

Ah, Suddenly, he screams out, covered his forehead.

Tu brother are you okay? Fan Ye surprised.

Do not read God proved it, this wood whip attack the soul. Coated fly tract.

Fan Ye hearts of a move, pick up the wood whip, held in the hand, said to himself: This is it for beating wooden whip of the soul?

Left Kamimuchi pre-Qin Lianqi disabilities from the Star the other end of such a treasure, likely is someone more famous Lianqi of Guests stay.

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Fan Ye are satisfied, unpretentious, plain simplicity, this weapon is pretty good, people do not see anything, but as lethal.

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She has been officially Zuohua, you see her face and bounced out Buddha flower to prove that the soul of the fire extinguished. Bitter Tsz Road.

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Void in the petals fall, the last point the light goes out, spread fragrance, safety wonderful quiet by look, as if sleeping.

Wonderful according to, wake up. Fan Ye tears.

The bitter Ci with monk exit, there is no way, even the soul Huadu cleared, how can Xingzhuan?

Spire quiet, Fan Ye sitting alone holding the dead bodies and practice for what, but in the end this life to death, in the end what is the meaning.

Wonderful according to, wake up. Calling him over and over again, the tears continue to fall.

I do not know how long, a weak voice sounded, said: You cry,

Such as jade cold body moved slightly, this peerless face, a pair of eye tough opened.

The 1080th elegant driving into the distance

Fan Ye hearts Yi Chan, opening their eyes, cold arms body a spirit mark, she was revived.

Regained Beauty of a dead person a chance to live, although very weak, but it is as real.

Wonderful, according to

Fan Ye cried, firmly grasped her hand, for fear of a release on forever lost, step paradise, step hell, the already desperate, sudden surprise.

This is a big drop Big mood, feeling of impending loss of the arms of the woman dead recovery, let him emotional.

The peerless beauty closed die off, the original has become a cold corpse, he thought with loved ones, never see him again, will be a big regret.

Back to Live, the whisper of his mouth.

An wonderful anemic by face, very pale, delicate face like a white mutton fat jade carved, had a very ethereal pair of eyes at the moment the lack of luster, some hazy dim.

She slowly held out his hand to help him wipe the tears of his face sleep, the body is very weak, returned from the Buddha industry encountered difficulties and obstacles, nearly Zuohua.

These years later, Ann wonderful diminished by beautiful nothing more introverted, more of a Cheung static and tranquil Sin Yun, a less enchanting and charming Xijinqianhua more touching.

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guaroidoncuraДата: Воскресенье, 14.07.2013, 18:30 | Сообщение # 313
Группа: Гости

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TimbisrummifyДата: Четверг, 25.07.2013, 01:10 | Сообщение # 314
Группа: Гости

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EmitterewДата: Воскресенье, 04.08.2013, 04:15 | Сообщение # 315
Группа: Гости

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